Our Approach

Our organization is doing incredibly valuable work by providing education and shelter to disabled and underprivileged children from rural areas. Education is a powerful tool for breaking the cycle of poverty, and by offering it for free along with shelter, we're making a significant impact on the lives of these children and their families. By focusing on children from poor and worker families in rural areas, we're addressing a critical need where financial resources are often limited, and access to education can be a major challenge. Providing this support not only helps these children gain knowledge and skills but also opens up opportunities for them to have better futures. Our organization is prioritizing the needs of these vulnerable groups and working to bridge the gap in access to education. Continued support and expansion of our programs could further amplify the positive impact on the lives of these children and their communities.

Conducting surveys to spread awareness about the importance of education and training opportunities for underprivileged children among poor and worker families in rural areas is a proactive and impactful approach. By engaging directly with these communities, we're not only raising awareness but also fostering a sense of empowerment and hope for a better future. Offering specific skills training like computer education, sewing, and bicycle repairing is incredibly valuable. These skills can not only enhance the employability of the children but also empower them to contribute to their families and communities economically. Moreover, by actively reaching out to these families and providing information about the resources and support available through our organization, we're breaking down barriers to access and ensuring that those who need assistance are aware of where to find it. Continuing to conduct these surveys and outreach efforts will help ensure that our organization remains connected to the needs of the communities it serves and can adapt its programs to best address those needs.

Our Mission

Bahuuddeshiya Seva Samiti, since its inception in 1990, has remained steadfast in its commitment to education as a transformative tool for underprivileged children. Our vision is simple yet powerful: to break the cycle of poverty by educating at least one generation of unprivileged families. We believe that education is the key to unlocking a brighter future, not just for the individual child, but for entire communities. By providing quality education, we empower children to transcend their circumstances, understand the value of education, and pave the way for future generations to thrive.

What we do?

Shelter and Nutrition: Providing a safe and stable living environment along with nutritious food is fundamental for the physical and emotional health of children.

Education: Ensuring access to quality education opens doors to opportunities and empowers children to break the cycle of poverty. Offering tuition, skill development programs, and computer education enhances their academic and vocational skills.

Parental Counseling: Supporting parents and guardians is essential for holistic child development. Counseling can help address familial issues, provide guidance on parenting, and create a supportive environment for children to thrive.

Community Engagement: Collaborating with local authorities like Sarpanch and Anganwadis helps in understanding the specific needs of rural communities better. Conducting surveys facilitates data collection, enabling targeted interventions and resource allocation.

We help children with limited means hone their creativity and skills under the guidance of trained teachers and make persistent efforts to enable them to secure a life of dignity for themselves, their families and the community at large.

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